
The Manly Man’s Guide to Med Spas 

Somewhere through the macho pages of history, gents got this notion that they weren’t allowed to have their own time at the spa. Though Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa provides outstanding services for women, we’re equally passionate about men visiting us for med spa treatments as well. You work out, try to look your best and yet you might be thinking med spas aren’t for you? Alas, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Firstly, let’s talk about Brotox, or Botox for Bros. Botox is a injectable used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and our incredible registered nurse can even maintain your ruggedly-handsome looks, giving you a more refreshed, youthful look. 

Maybe you’re finding yourself feeling a little out of it and run down? Try our IV Nutrient Therapies. For the gym rats, or party boys, IV Nutrient Therapy is ideal. Available in both traditional drip and ‘push’ form, IV Nutrient Therapy allows you to receive a plethora of vitamins and good stuff directly into your bloodstream. Not only can it help with issues like fatigue, hypertension and infections, but it can also help alleviate a wild night on the town, making that hangover a little softer. If you’re looking to recovery faster from intense workouts at the gym, IV Nutrient Therapy helps with muscle recovery. 

Maybe you’re going a little thin on top? We can even help with that too. There isn’t a thinning-haired fella around who can’t say he wished there was a solution, and that’s why we have PRP for hair loss. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and it’s important here because the growth factors found in your own plasma act as a kind of messengers, telling skin cells to function and help stimulate activity in the follicles to promote hair growth. The treatment starts with a easy and simple blood draw from our registered nurse, where we draw your blood and separate the plasma from the red blood cells by way of a machine that spins the liquid quickly. From there, the PRP will be injected into the locations on your scalp where you’d like to see hair growth.

So next time you hear your lady-friend mention she’s headed to see us for an appointment, don’t be afraid to come in for your own service. If you’d like to learn more about any of the treatments discussed above, or any of our other men’s med spa services, please visit Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa or call us at (480) 923-6138. 



Do you need Botox? Four Signs You Do

These days it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t dipped their toe in the BOTOX pool. That neighbor who looks suddenly ‘refreshed’, the guy at work who took years off his face in a few days and that one cousin who seems to be tricking time with each family gathering. They’ve probably have gotten the memo and saw someone for BOTOX. So, is it time for you to come to Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa  to do the same? We’ve got four signs that’ll help you decide. 

1. Forehead Lines

Have you noticed your forehead is looking way too much like a treasure map? Lines and X’s, but no treasure. Forehead furrows or frown lines are one of the first places we start to visibly age on our face. 

2. Smile Lines

Crow’s feet, those pesky lines that form around our mouths. Crow’s feet become most intense when we work the muscles around your eyes. BOTOX blocks this by relaxing the muscles that cause crow feet to appear. 

3. Got TMJ?

TMJ or Temporomadibular when the temporomandibular joint is where the skull and jaw bone connect, acting as kind of hinge for your mouth, are out of alignment. TMJ can cause earaches, pain when you chew and even a change in how your teeth fit together. Our and highly-trained registered nurse injects BOTOX into masseter muscle, allowing the muscle to relax and help with pain caused by persistent grinding and clenching. 

4. You Don’t Have Wrinkles

So, you’re a fresh 20-something who feels like you’re light years away from needing BOTOX? WRONG. Preventive BOTOX is a thing and it works. Within one study, contributors stated that it’s “rarely too early”. In the study on BOTOX, it shows that frown lines, forehead furrows and crows’ feet are caused by repetitive folding of the skin from normal expressions and if you slow down the use of those muscles in your early adult life, the lines never develop.


Chlorine’s Combat on Good Hair

Living in Arizona, we literally construct our schedules around when we’re going to be in the pool. If you’re not already swimming, you’re thinking about the next time you can jump in and cool off, but did you know that pool-time can actually cause havoc on your hair? Chlorine not only dulls your hair but also has a damaging effect, and especially to color-treated hair. Blondes beware; chlorine can have an especially damming effect on your hair and even give it a green tinge. If you can’t get your head above water this summer, try a swim cap or just rinse your with filtered water prior to jumping in. One trick we’ve learned to love, is taking our Pai-Shau Supreme Revitalizing Mask, a magical mixture of tea complex that penetrates the hair follicle, and lathering some on before we have our pool day, so it can soak in deeply and reverse damaged hair. The trick really boils down to saturating the hair with something, so very little chlorine will be able to enter the shaft, as our hair is sponge-like and will soak up anything. 

If you’ve read this tip a little too late, and are noticing your hair is on the crispy side from all of the swimming you’ve done, we can still help. Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa has multiple options to get your thirsty hair back into shape. Our Brazilian Blowout Split End Repair Treatment is made just for said issue, as it seals and nourishes split ends, and gives your hair a sleek and healthy look. Also, have you might have heard of the benefits of collagen for your face, but for your hair? Yes, our Demi- Permanent Conditioner is a collagen-based product that deeply conditions and replenishes dry and damaged hair. So, go ahead and take a dip, we’ve got all of your hair-rehab treatments taken care of at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa. For more information on how we can help with all of your haircare concerns and other salon services, please visit or call us at (480) 923-6138. 


Restylane for Hands

As we age, we lose volume in the back of our hands, giving the appearance of tendons, veins and wrinkles to be more pronounced. At Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa we want to address all of your anti-aging concerns, not just those to do with your face. It seems like most of our focus when it comes to anti-aging efforts lands above the shoulders, focusing on wrinkles and lines on the face, and as we go along, we notice our youthful-looking faces do not match our hands. Restylane is an incredible product that allows us to combat the effects of time, and can take years off of our faces and now hands too. 

By using Restylane, we’re able to actually fill in the backside of your hands safely and effectively, providing a more youthful and fuller appearance. Hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in our bodies, provides fullness and elasticity and as we age, depletes, causing a loss of volume and therefore wrinkles. Restylane has been used 30 million times worldwide and is one of our favorite products, because it’s not only safe, but also provides incredible results. If you’re wanting to extend a youthful appearance not only to your face, but also your hands, please visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa at (480) 923-6138.