Filler Brands

What is Restylane Silk? 

Restylane Silk ® may be the answer to your skincare frustrations, and you didn’t even know. If you haven’t heard about Restylane Silk, or aren’t aware of its full powers, Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona is here to help you determine if these fillers can benefit you.

Have you noticed your lips aren’t looking as lush and kissable as when you were younger? Maybe little fine lines have become more noticeable above your lips. Unfortunately, as we age, the skin around our lips and eyes tends to wrinkle first, which can significantly affect our confidence. On the bright side, Restylane fillers may be the answer you have been searching for in hopes of a more youthful appearance.

What Is Restylane Silk?

Restylane Silk is an FDA-approved lip injection gel made of hyaluronic acid, which helps augment your lip shape and smooth the lines over your lips, also known as your perioral lines. Restylane Silk is a filler that subtly plumps the lips to give them a fuller appearance. By smoothing lip wrinkles and the perioral lines, Restylane fillers also help to provide a more youthful appearance.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the body that helps your skin retain moisture and remain flexible. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane Silk has been manipulated so the microparticles last longer than the natural hyaluronic acid your body produces. As a result, it supports your body’s hyaluronic acid production and highlights your natural lips for months.

The Benefits of Restylane Silk

Restylane fillers provide stunning results that help accentuate your natural beauty. They offer excellent benefits for virtually any skin type. Some of the key benefits of Restylane Silk lip fillers include:

  • Natural-looking results – Restylane Silk is a subtle lip filler, which means it helps provide you with a natural look that highlights your natural beauty without overdoing it.
  • Long-lasting effects – The effects of Restylane fillers last up to six months, allowing you to enjoy prolonged results.
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure – Restylane fillers are a simple and minimally invasive procedure, offering the benefits of fuller lips with only temporary discomfort.
  • A quick process – When done by a professional, the process only takes around 30 minutes, providing a smooth treatment.
  • Suitable for different skin types and ages – Restylane fillers are great for almost anyone, providing you with more confidence in the results.

The benefits of Restylane Silk are more than just talk, too. Based on a clinical study, 98% of patients saw a difference within two weeks. For about 60% of the people studied during a clinical research trial, almost 60% saw results that lasted up to 6 months. For longer-lasting results, you can duplicate this procedure and continue to enjoy fuller lips.

The Treatment Process

To receive any lip injection, like Restylane Silk, start by seeing a licensed and experienced practitioner and complete a consultation to see if the treatment is a good option for you. The process should always begin with finding a qualified team to ensure that the process goes safely and smoothly. When you receive Restylane fillers from the certified professionals at Colair Beauty Lounge and Med Spa, you can expect the process to follow these steps.

1. Pre-Treatment

The pre-treatment process starts a couple of weeks before your appointment. Within the two weeks before your treatment, avoid taking any blood-thinning medications, like aspirin, ibuprofen, or fish oil. To minimize bruising, you should also avoid alcohol within the three days before your appointment.

Preparation for the injection is minimal. Depending on the client, some specialists may use a numbing agent to reduce discomfort. However, a signature benefit of the Restylane Silk formula is that it includes 0.3% Lidocaine, which means it will help ease the discomfort or sting of the injections.

2. The Injection Process

After preparing the area, your specialist will inject small amounts of Restylane Silk into your lips using an ultrafine needle, or a small, needle-like object, called a cannula. If you want to target your wrinkles and perioral lines, your registered nurse may also inject the filler into your skin. 

As they inject the gel-like product, they may gently massage the area to create a more even distribution, which will give your lips a more natural look.

3. Post-Treatment Recovery

After the injection, your specialist may apply ice to the area to reduce swelling and discomfort. In the hours after your treatment, you may apply a cold compress. For six hours after your treatment, avoid touching the area so the numbness can subside.

For the first 24-48 hours after receiving your fillers, minimize exercise and exposure to direct sunlight. In this time, also avoid exposing your lips to extreme heat or cold and do not pucker your lips. You should also continue to avoid taking any blood-thinning medication.

Some clients return after about two weeks to receive a touch-up treatment if necessary.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Restylane?

It’s natural—aging happens to all of us, and those pesky perioral lines that are directly above your lips give your age away as quickly as crow’s feet. If you’ve been feeling less than stellar in your appearance, and the thinner look of your lips is bothering you, Restylane fillers may be an excellent solution. The multiple benefits of Restylane Silk make it a potential option for many people.

Good candidates for Restylane fillers include people who:

  • Have mild to moderate wrinkles and fine lines
  • Want to enhance the natural contour of their face
  • Have thin or asymmetrical lips
  • Want to achieve a youthful and radiant appearance

Potential Side Effects

Restylane Silk is FDA-approved and considered a safe treatment when carried out properly by a licensed professional. However, as with any beauty treatment, Restylane Silk can come with potential side effects.

Some of the possible side effects of Restylane Silk:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Allergic reactions
  • Tenderness of the injection area
  • Temporary bruising

There are some additional contraindications to be aware of. If you’re allergic to Lidocaine or gram-positive bacterial proteins used to make hyaluronic acid, are prone to bleeding, or have a bleeding disorder, you shouldn’t use this product. Of course, our licensed practitioners here at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa are happy to discuss whether Restylane Silk is a good fit for you during your consultation.

The best way to minimize your risk of side effects is to visit a qualified and licensed specialist. Fortunately, you can find licensed specialists here at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona. Our registered nurses know how to minimize the risk of side effects and properly manage them so that you can enjoy peace of mind during your treatment.

Visit Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa for Younger Looking Lips

Restylane Silk is a great option for almost anyone searching for fuller, more youthful lips. Whether you are bothered by the appearance of your lips or the wrinkles above them, the team at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa can support you using modern science and technology. Don’t let something bother you if you aren’t feeling as confident as you should—there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best.

For more information about Restylane Silk, contact us at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona at (480) 923-6138.

Laser Treatment

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Laser Treatment

Skin laser therapy is one of the most effective methods for promoting a younger-looking and clearer complexion. However, the effects of laser treatment come down to more than just your time with the laser. It’s also crucial to take a few steps before and after receiving your treatment. So, when you ask “how effective is laser therapy?”, you are responsible in part for the answer.

Here at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona, we want what you want—for you to be confident with clear and beautiful skin. That’s why we want to support you during every step of your laser therapy, from providing the right treatment to giving you the knowledge you need beforehand. With just a few tips, you can boost the results of your laser treatments and enjoy more youthful skin.

What To Expect from Laser Therapy Treatments

Laser treatments can support your skin in a wide range of ways. Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa offers three key laser therapy treatments to promote a clearer complexion. When you take the proper steps to support your laser therapy, each of these treatments can provide you with smoother or younger-looking skin that accentuates your natural beauty.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing helps treat undesired skin features to provide smoother, clearer skin. Laser resurfacing only treats a small portion of your skin to reduce the risk of side effects and support a quicker recovery for faster results. Some of the inconveniences that laser skin resurfacing can help manage include:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sun-damage
  • Fine lines
  • Surgery scarring
  • Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal treatments use laser technology to remove unwanted hair from areas around the body. Hair removal treatments are often quick and low maintenance with long-lasting results, providing a better alternative to waxing or shaving. Laser hair removal works on many areas of the body, including the:

  • Face
  • Upper Lip
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Armpits
  • Chin
  • Groin 

IPL Photofacial

An intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial is a rejuvenation treatment that helps reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and promote a clearer complexion. This treatment uses a Cynosure Icon laser to provide speedy results with minimal pain and a quick recovery. An IPL photofacial offers multiple benefits for multiple conditions, like:

  • Treatment of sun-damaged skin
  • Reduced pigmentation and aging
  • An even skin texture
  • Reduced appearance of scars

Tips for Improving the Effects of Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is an excellent skin care option for those seeking more vibrant skin and longer-lasting results. Each laser treatment is different and requires its own preparation. Still, there are a few tips you should keep in mind to ensure the most positive effects of laser treatment.

1. Visit a Qualified and Experienced Specialist

The best thing you can do to ensure effective laser therapy is to visit a certified and experienced laser technician. Although laser therapy is a safe procedure, a laser is still a serious piece of medical equipment that features risks when not handled properly. As a result, a technician must know how to use them correctly.

Some risks of seeing an inexperienced provider include the potential for burns, scarring, or an ineffective treatment. Meanwhile, a skilled technician will minimize the risks and ensure minimal pain and discomfort throughout the treatment. They will also provide you with the proper guidance for post-treatment care. Altogether, a certified specialist helps you be more comfortable and more confident in your results.

At Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa here in Gilbert, Arizona, you can trust that every one of our multiple laser treatments is performed by a certified and carefully trained laser technician.

2. Arrive with Clean and Dry Skin

Although it’s always important to moisturize and use the right products for your skin, it’s better to arrive at your laser treatment without having applied any products to the treatment area. Skin care products can prevent the laser from effectively reaching the skin or hair follicles and providing proper results.

To prepare for a laser skin treatment, simply perform your regular hygiene routine and steer clear of moisturizer so you arrive with clean, dry skin. If you’re receiving a laser hair removal treatment, you should also shave beforehand to allow the laser to reach your hair follicles better.

3. Maintain a Simple Skin Care Routine

Of course, we want to go all out to promote our skin’s health, but sometimes less is more. After a laser treatment, your skin is more sensitive, so it is important that you don’t overload your skin with products and lotions—especially the wrong kinds.

Stick to washing your skin and applying a simple moisturizer after your laser treatment. Avoid using soaps and other skin care products with alcohol, fragrances, or harsh chemicals that might agitate your skin. Similarly, be aware of abrasive cleaners that might irritate the treatment area. 

Talk to your provider at Colair about how long you should wait before returning to exfoliating or other parts of your skincare routine. Don’t try any new products before or after your laser treatment so that you can avoid irritation.

4. Follow Aftercare Instructions

Aftercare is often just as important as the treatment itself. Taking care of your skin after treatment promotes better results and supports the overall health of your skin. To ensure the best effects of your laser therapy, listen to your nurse practitioner’s advice.

Each treatment requires specific aftercare steps to ensure effectiveness. For example, to make laser hair removal treatments more effective, you should avoid waxing or plucking your hair afterward. Still, every treatment requires some of the same post-care best practices.

Some ways to care for your skin after all laser forms of laser therapy include:

  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing around the treatment area
  • Choosing cotton clothing to avoid irritating the treatment area
  • Washing your skin regularly with a gentle soap
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking to reduce the risk of skin inflammation

5. Protect Your Skin

No matter how experienced your laser technician is, laser treatments are bound to make your skin more sensitive to the sun. As a result, you must take extra precautions to protect your skin from the harsh sun rays. Of course, the best way to do so is to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

If you must spend time in the sun, wear a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF. Even better, cover up the area of your treatment by wearing a hat, scarf, or long sleeves, depending on where you received the treatment. For the same reasons, avoid using tanning beds before or after treatments.

6. Keep Up with Your Treatments

As with any form of skin care, consistency is key for laser therapy. In general, laser therapy is a more permanent option than many other treatment options, but it often requires maintenance to ensure the best results. 

For example, laser hair removal treatments often work best in a series of two to three treatments a few weeks apart. The effects of some treatments, though, like fractional skin resurfacing, can last for years before you need a follow-up treatment. Either way, your provider will discuss the right treatment plan with you, and following through with the plan at Colair will give you a complexion you’ll love.

7. Communicate with Your Provider

Communicating with your provider will allow you to have the information you need to take care of your skin and allows your provider to take the best approach for you. Your provider will discuss the best available treatment options so you are fully informed. They will also discuss how laser therapy will benefit your skin type so that you have realistic expectations for the treatment.

At the same time, communication goes both ways. Everyone’s skin is different, so inform your provider if you have any skin conditions. At the same time, if you have any concerns about your reaction to treatment or your results, be sure to let your provider know. Communication is crucial for your technician to determine how to adjust and adapt your treatment so you are happy with the effects.

Here at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa, our skilled technicians are dedicated to providing you with the care and attention you need for the most successful laser treatment. As a result, you can enjoy total peace of mind during each treatment.

Get The Most Out of Your Treatment at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa

Laser therapy is an effective way to promote long-lasting and more youthful skin. Of course, the most important thing you can do for an effective laser treatment is to visit an experienced provider, like the certified laser technicians at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona.

If you want to learn more about how to make the most out of your laser therapy, contact us at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa. Schedule an appointment at (480) 923-6138 today to receive a treatment that will highlight your natural beauty and skyrocket your confidence.