What is a VI Peel? 

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VI chemical peels, or Vitality Institute peels come in multiple varieties. Have you been looking to correct your skin care issues? Wondering what a VI peel is? Founded by Dr. Abdala Khalil, this line of chemical peels was first inspired by his daughter. Because she struggled with acne, he was in search of a way to comfortably and safely help her restore her vibrant, youthful flow, while addressing her skincare concerns. Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa is thrilled to carry such an incredible treatment.

So, how can a VI chemical peel help you? What areas of concern do they address? There are multiple versions of the VI Peel, based on your needs.

  • Original
  • Purity
  • Advanced
  • Precision
  • And a combination of Purity and Precision

Chemical peel facial treatment

Original VI Peel

The Original version of the VI peel is targeted at helping tone and texture and is safe for sensitive skin. This is a bonus for many women, as a lot of chemical peels need to be avoided if you have sensitive skin issues. It’s also good for early signs of aging, which makes it a good all-around peel for those looking to help their texture and tone issues, such as tackling keratosis pilaris issues and fine lines.

This is a great choice for those of all skin types and is considered a medium-depth peel.

Advanced VI Peel

The Advanced version of the VI chemical peel is enhanced with collagen and is perfect for those with more advanced skin changes such as women over forty who are getting more lines and wrinkles. This peel will soften the appearance of wrinkles, while smoothing rough textures, giving you a more youthful glow.

This medium-depth peel uses ingredients that will help address the signs of aging, but with the added collagen will also help with elasticity.

VI peel ad

VI Precision Plus Peel

Using a peel like the VI Precision Plus chemical peel is a way to combat hyperpigmentation issues. Whether it’s sun damage that’s an issue for you or melasma, there’s a version of the VI peel that can help you feel better about your skin. This peel encourages rapid cell turnover, while helping exfoliate your skin with a medium-depth peel that’s safe for all skin types.

The Purity version of the VI peel is a great remedy for treating acne. Let’s face it, acne leaves us feeling less than our best. If you struggle with acne, the Purity VI Peel may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Not only does this peel sooth inflammation, but it targets the P. acne bacteria that causes acne. Get to the root of the problem. This peel is tough on acne, yet gentle on your skin. It’s safe for all skin types, but is great for helping congested, acne-prone skin.

Want to learn more about the VI Precision Plus chemical peel? Please visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa at (480) 923-6138.

Dallas Sloan

Picture of Dallas Sloan
As co-founder of Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa, Dallas Sloan has more than just expertise in the beauty industry. While she has been a licensed Cosmetologist for more than a decade, she also has a solid understanding of business management through her experience and professional education from a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Dallas’ passion for the beauty industry and acute eye for detail helps to make Colair a standout business in Arizona, and she is honored to have been nominated for Business Woman of the Year 2020. Dallas strives to provide the most positive experience conceivable, as Colair was started with the vision of providing top services in a tremendous atmosphere, all while encompassing the customer with the feeling that they’re family.