
PRP for Under Eye Treatments

You may have heard of PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatments for hair, but did you know that this procedure can also help with under eye bags and issues? While some people rely on fillers, there’s been a movement toward PRP treatments when it comes to under eye repair treatments and Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa is thrilled to offer it. 

Many people struggle with bags or dark circles and are desperate to find answers. They may first hear about fillers, but they aren’t for everyone. But, what about PRP? What exactly is PRP and how does it help?

PRP for undereye treatment

How Does PRP Work?

Platelet-rich-plasma treatments consist of having blood removed from your arm, as if you were having bloodwork drawn for a doctor’s office. Then one our RNs put your blood in a special centrifuge machine which spins the blood. What this does is helps separate the multiple cells of the blood, which allows the practitioner to draw out the platelet-rich plasma cells for your treatment. 

The great thing about this procedure is that you aren’t injecting a foreign substance into your body, but rather your own cells which won’t be rejected or cause issue like allergic reactions that other substances might trigger. This can help the baggy area that forms under the eyes, can help with wrinkles and folds in the skin, and can also help with things like lessening the appearance of dark circles. 

What they do is draw out the PRP cells in a syringe, then gently place to the eye area with precise care. The PRP helps stimulate collagen, which in turn helps turn over fresh cells quicker. As we age, our collagen slows down then halts production. The PRP stimulates the fibroblasts that helps activate collagen and creates an environment for natural correction. 

PRP offers an all-natural solution that uses your blood cells—not lab synthetics which are made with chemicals you don’t need. Your own blood has exactly what you need. No more worrying about what you’re injecting and hoping some inactive ingredient isn’t suddenly causing you to react. 

How Often Should I Do PRP Treatment?

You’ll need to do this treatment a few times for the best results, and it will take approximately 2-3 months to start seeing the full effects of the treatment. Nature takes time. They recommend you have 2-3 injections spaced out over a couple of months. Figure 2-3 months between each treatment for a good range.

Feel better relying on your body for blood cells that are platelet-rich rather than a chemistry lab that synthetically created an option that needed FDA regulation. If you’d like to learn more about this procedure or have a free consultation, please visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa at (480) 866-0007. 


PRP Hair Restoration

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP hair restoration at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa is an option for those with thinning hair who are in search of answers to help them with this frustrating and often embarrassing situation. PRP is a great process that allows you to use your own body’s cells to stimulate follicular development. How does it work?

Platelet-rich plasma works by drawing blood from your arm by one of our registered nurses, just as if you were to go to a doctor’s office and have blood work done. It’s simple, safe, and easy. Once blood is removed, the tube of plasma goes into a special machine that separates the different layers and types of cells.

The part of the plasma that is platelet-rich is then used to help with hair growth. This is done by injecting the PRP into the scalp. Pretty neat, right? What’s even better is that this super rich plasma has properties that target and rejuvenate your stagnant follicles.

One of the important aspects of choosing PRP hair restoration is by starting it as soon as possible. The sooner you start, the better your results. That means that if you notice excessive shedding of hair, whether you notice it when showering, styling your hair, or maybe on your pillow, it’s the ideal time to set up an appointment to discuss PRP hair restoration.

When you’re shedding hair and it seems to be thinning, a lot of times what’s happening is there’s a lack of circulation in the area. By injecting a new supply of platelet-rich plasma to the area, you’re helping bring increased circulation to it with the right cells. You’re nurturing your hair follicles with the cells they need. This rejuvenates the area and helps stimulate new growth.

PRP treatments aren’t new. This isn’t fly-by-night science. PRP cells are used in medical settings for things like healing injured tissue, tendons, muscle and ligaments. Sometimes, when you hear about a new treatment, you start to question if it will really work. It’s understandable, but in this instance, if you look up PRP, you’ll see that it’s been around since the 1980’s, which means 40 years of medicinal use.

When it comes to using PRP for hair restoration, it’s not a one-time treatment. You’ll need to repeat the treatment a couple times for the best results, and then there are maintenance treatments about every 6 months. Yes, there’s a bit of time involved, but to rid yourself of the anxiety and embarrassment of hair thinning, especially as a woman, you’ll be so grateful you invested the time.

People are used to seeing men lose hair over time, and while it’s a touchy subject for some men, for women it can be heartbreaking. Whether you’re losing hair in patches or thinning all over, take heart—there is help. We understand what a difficult experience this is, and how it impacts a woman in a completely different way than a man. As a society in general, we anticipate men may lose hair, but we never think about it as women. Thankfully, there’s help. Look into PRP hair restoration and know there are answers that may help you.

Want to learn more about PRP for hair loss at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa? Please visit us or call for an absolutely free consultation. (480) 923-6138


Have Melasma? Try a PRP Facial

After the dog days of summer are over and your sun-kissed glow sadly fades away, do you ever have patches of tan that never quite leave? Well, these brownish-gray blotches have a name— Melasma. Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa is here to help.

Colair client receiving PRP facial treatment

They can show up on your forehead, chin, cheeks, lips, and nose. And they might be around for the long-haul. According to Harvard Medical’s Dr. Barbara Gilchrest, “Women who develop melasma in their teens or 20s or 30s may see it stay around for decades.”

If you’re like us, you’ve taken time in quarantine to bring your skincare game to the next level. If you’re still seeing skin discoloration and dark patches on your face after all your face masks and serums, read on to learn about Melasma and how you can treat it.

What is Melasma?

When pigment cells in your skin start overproducing, it can cause dark spots that are larger than freckles or age spots. This is Melasma, sometimes referred to as “the mask of pregnancy” because it often (although not always) occurs in pregnant women. It’s a painless condition that doesn’t present any health risks which more likely to get Melasma if you’re a woman or have darker skin.

If you’ve noticed darker splotches on your face, you’re not alone–nearly 6 million American women are in the same boat.


What Causes Melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition that causes the appearance of spots and patches that are darker than your natural skin tone. These usually appear on the face as tan, brown, gray-brown, or blue-gray patches or freckles. 

The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, contains cells called melanocytes that produce and store pigment known as melanin. The melanocytes produce more melanin when exposed to heat, light, ultraviolet radiation, or certain elevated hormone levels.

Here are other factors that can cause or aggravate melasma:

  • Birth control pills
  • Pregnancy
  • Synthetic estrogen
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Genetics
  • LED lights
  • Phototoxic drugs (that make you sensitive to sunlight such as diuretics, antibiotics, or NSAIDS)
  • Certain soaps or skin care products
  • Tanning beds

Women with medium to dark skin tones are more likely to develop melasma symptoms than fair-skinned women. Melasma is a disorder that is most commonly developed in women, who develop 90% of the cases. 

There are lots of things that can cause Melasma, but the two most common triggers are:

  • Hormones: Hormone fluctuations, like those during pregnancy or when starting new birth control, can cause Melasma.
  • Sun Exposure: We all know the sun is the enemy of youthful skin, and here’s just one more reason to use SPF. The sun can cause Melasma or worsen existing cases.

Vampire facial at Colair

Treatments for Melasma

There are ways to reduce and even eliminate Melasma. Do you remember that slightly terrifying insta of Kim K getting her “vampire blood” facial? Well, that was a form of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). Recent studies have found that PRP is actually a very effective treatment for Melasma.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma is basically a superfood for your skin cells. When injected into the skin’s membrane, it adds a boost of collagen and stimulates new blood vessels and cell growth. You’ll see results are just 2-3 injections.
  • Microneedling is another minimally invasive solution for melasma. PRP and Microneedling are like Batman and Robin–they work better together.

Using the Vampire Facial to Treat Melasma

Vampire facials use the body’s own platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, to create an environment that stimulates healing. The growth and healing factors in the PRP injections are one of the strongest growth factors in the body, which help heal the skin. The use of platelet-rich plasma is a proven therapy for melasma treatment and led to the development of the vampire facial.

What Is the Vampire Facial?

A vampire facial is a cosmetic procedure that uses the platelets of your own blood to treat melasma and other skin imperfections. The injections of the blood into the face stimulate collagen regrowth.

Here are the steps involved in a vampire facial:

1.   Skin professional preps skin

2.   Blood is drawn from your arm

3.   Blood is centrifuged to separate platelets

4.   Your platelet-rich plasma is injected, with a tiny needle, into areas of your skin that need treatment

How Does It Work?

Once the plasma is injected into your face with a PRP facial, it triggers your body’s natural response to restore the skin.

The growth factors in the plasma help speed the healing process. 

Why It’s Worth Trying

The results are clear—vampire facials are effective in treating melasma. They offer a myriad of other reasons to try it. 

Microneedling for Melasma

Microneedling makes tiny wounds in the skin that stimulate collagen production.

This does two things: it allows topical treatments to penetrate deeper and work better, and it stimulates the production of collagen. So you can get rid of Melasma and reduce your wrinkles in one fell swoop.

It can help treat melasma, but when you combine microneedling with injections of platelet-rich plasma, the results are impressive. 

When you add PRP on top of microneedling, you’ll get a dynamic duo that will wow you with the results. One last word of warning before you make your appointment–Melasma is known to come back, every now and then. If you don’t want to do this whole process twice, don’t forget the golden rule of skincare: SPF, SPF, SPF!

Want to learn more about addressing your melasma? Visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona at (480) 923-6138.


Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Hair Loss

If you’ve been following the hottest beauty trends this year, you’ve surely heard of the PRP Facial or commonly known as the “vampire” facial for it’s bloody Kim Kardashian spotlight. Essentially, the PRP Facial uses your own plasma along with micro needling to help give you a glowing complexion. But in recent news surrounding PRP, this treatment is going beyond faces and actually helping those with thinning hair.

The growth factors found in your own plasma act as a kind of messengers, signaling skin cells to function and ultimately help stimulate activity in the follicles to help promote hair growth. The process starts with a easy and simple blood draw from Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa’s registered nurse, where they’ll draw your blood and separate the plasma from the red blood cells by way of a machine that spins the liquid quickly. From there, the PRP will be injected into the spots on your scalp where you’d like to see hair growth.

So if your mane isn’t as thick as it once was or you just want to maintain what you’ve got, the PRP scalp treatment is an excellent choice for both men and women. If you’re living without the hair of your dreams, please visit or call us at (480) 923-6138.