The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen in the Fall and Winter

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Your beauty authorities at Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa have some news for you. Sunscreen isn’t just for summer. Did you grow up thinking you only slathered on sunblock when you’re in the scorching sun of summer? We’ve learned more about the harmful effects of the sun. With that information, we’ve also learned that it’s not simply the summer sun that’s an issue.

The sun gives up two types of rays, UVA and UVB. When it comes to the damage that they cause, each targets a different issue. The easiest way to remember what each does is by connecting the last letter to a word. Think of UVA, and A for aging. UVB, think of B for burning.

Now, while nobody likes to age prematurely, there’s another reason for avoiding both UVA and UVB rays, and that’s because too much sun exposure without the right protection can lead to skin cancer. It’s easy to think of summer as the time we need sunblock the most, because we’re outside more, maybe in short sleeves, and thinking about the warmth of the sun.

The simple fact is that UVA and UVB rays are present year-round. Just because the temperature is cooler, doesn’t mean the UV rays go away! Protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun is important.

UV rays are still present on cloudy days. They can penetrate your car’s windows. They may not be as strong, but they are still present.

Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa tries and tests a ton of products to bring you the very best options. We’ve landed on iS Clinical for our favorite SPF. It stays on and is unmatched for protection from the sun’s dangerous rays.

By applying a good, quality sunblock, you’re protecting your skin from these harmful rays. And let’s be honest, who wants to age prematurely? The sun damage and wrinkles, along with hyperpigmentation issues can be slowed down by using sunscreen.

Whether you use a regular sunblock or a product that has sunblock in it, be sure to check the SPF which tells you how it’s rated for UVB rays. UVA rays aren’t accounted for in the SPF rating. One of the things people confuse when talking about SPF is what it actually does. This is a measurement based on time. It tells you how long it will take your skin to react or burn vs. without sunscreen. The interesting thing is that an SPF of 30 is the recommended rating (Mayo Clinic). While there are SPFs with higher numbers, the change in how long they last is minimal after a certain point.

Want to learn more about the skincare products we sell or how to protect your skin from the sun? Visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa at (480) 923-6138.

Dallas Sloan

Picture of Dallas Sloan
As co-founder of Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa, Dallas Sloan has more than just expertise in the beauty industry. While she has been a licensed Cosmetologist for more than a decade, she also has a solid understanding of business management through her experience and professional education from a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Dallas’ passion for the beauty industry and acute eye for detail helps to make Colair a standout business in Arizona, and she is honored to have been nominated for Business Woman of the Year 2020. Dallas strives to provide the most positive experience conceivable, as Colair was started with the vision of providing top services in a tremendous atmosphere, all while encompassing the customer with the feeling that they’re family.