IV Therapy

Healing with IV Therapy: How It Aids in Post-Surgical Recovery

Going through surgery, no matter how minor, takes a major toll on the body. From the physical trauma of the procedure itself to the effects of anesthesia, surgery taxes the body’s resources and impedes the natural healing process. This is why many doctors recommend IV therapy to aid recovery after surgery.

What is IV Therapy?

Intravenous (IV) therapy involves delivering fluids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream through a vein. This method allows for high absorption rates and quick delivery of these essential components to the body’s cells and tissues.

Benefits of IV Therapy for Post-Surgical Recovery


Surgery, anesthesia, and medications can all cause dehydration. Starting fluids immediately after surgery helps rehydrate which supports vital organ function. IV fluids also help the body better absorb oral pain medications.

Reduced Nausea

Anesthesia, pain meds, and the surgery itself can cause post-op nausea. IV fluids help reduce nausea so patients can rest, heal, and properly absorb oral medications and nutrients from food.

Pain Management

Some IV therapy formulations include anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving components that can help manage post-operative discomfort, reducing the need for oral pain medications.

Increased Energy

Between fasting for surgery, the trauma on the body, and medication side effects, surgery zaps energy at a time when the body vitally needs it to heal. Vitamins and nutrients delivered via IV therapy help restore energy so patients can participate in physical therapy and properly care for themselves during recovery.

Immune Support

Surgery and anesthesia depress the immune system which leaves the body vulnerable to infection and poor wound healing. IV vitamin cocktails containing vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione boost immunity to prevent infection while supporting rapid healing.

Wound Healing

IV therapy can deliver nutrients like vitamin C, zinc, and amino acids that are crucial for tissue repair and wound healing. This can help incisions heal faster and reduce the risk of infection.

Decreased Recovery Time

By directly supporting rehydration, energy levels, immunity, and natural healing capacities, IV therapy significantly decreases surgical recovery times. Patients get back on their feet faster and with fewer complications.

Recover Faster with IV Therapy from Colair Beauty Lounge

Colair Beauty Lounge in Gilbert, AZ offers customized IV nutrient therapy to aid surgical recovery. Their experienced staff will develop an IV protocol using vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fluids specifically designed to support your post-surgery healing.

 If you have surgery planned, give us a call at (480) 923-6138  to learn more about adding IV therapy to your recovery plan.